CA-HAWK Advanced Ultra-Light Aeroplane (AULA) - Canada


Ready to fly CA-HAWK AULA in Canada

Cruise Aircraft CA-HAWK is available fully assembled, ready to fly from our dealers. CA-HAWK can be registered in the Advanced UltraLight Aircraft (AULA) category in Canada.

The CA-HAWK AULA model was designed according to the DS-10141 Canadian design standard for Advanced Ultra Light Aircraft. Our Ready To Fly aeroplanes are 100% manufactured in our factory and finally assembled by our authorized dealers and test flown prior to delivery to the customer.

Retention of status as an Advanced Ultralight

To retain the status as an AULA:

  1. The aircraft must not be modified without the written permission of the manufacturer. As noted above if a change is considered to be a "modification" it will not be approved. It is wise to check with National Ultralight before making any changes to the aircraft or its component parts.
  2. The manufacturer's recommended maintenance program must be followed and a written record is required as proof. This obligation is not at all onerous and would be met by any prudent pilot.
  3. If a change of ownership occurs a Fit For Flight Form must be submitted by the buyer to Transport Canada with the application for registration. Here the seller must certify that the aircraft has been maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's specified program and that no modifications have been made. The buyer must certify that he has inspected the aircraft and found it to be as certified by the seller and that it is Fit For Flight.

The 51% Rule

Cruise Aircraft CA- HAWK (AULA) is intended to be registered as either Advanced or Basic Ultralight.  The 51% Rule does not apply to aircraft registered in Ultralight category.


Owners of both Advanced and Basic Ultralights may perform all maintenance activities themselves or delegate them to any other person. There is no need for an AME (Aircraft Maintenance Engineer) to do or sign maintenance work.

Modifications to a CA-HAWK (AULA) registered in the Advanced category

No modifications are allowed to the Cruise Aircraft CA-HAWK (AULA). The regulations state that the aircraft design must not be modified without the manufacturer's written permission.

The term "modification" is interpreted as any change to the airplane which could have a material impact on structural integrity, controllability or crashworthiness. For example the addition of typical aftermarket instruments or avionics would not be considered a modification. Adding trim tabs to flaperons would be a modification and therefore would not be approved.

In the case of the power plant and ancillary components any changes to the motor mount, exhaust mount, cooling system, reduction drive, prop or oil injection are considered to be modifications and are therefore not approved. Changes to the cabin heat system components are not approved.

Cruise Aircraft qualifies as an Advanced Ultralight or as a Basic Ultralight

Cruise Aircraft qualifies both as an AULA and a basic ultralight.  For each specific aircraft, the registration status of the a specific aircraft determines the category.

The Cruise Aircraft type definition is on the Transport Canada list of approved Advanced Ultralights. To register a new Cruise Aircraft as Advanced requires submitting a Statement Of Conformity with the aircraft's serial number.

There are no special requirements to register as a Basic Ultralight.

Differences between Basic and Advanced Ultralights

Advanced Ultralights meet standards of design, construction, performance, modification and maintenance established by Transport Canada. Advanced Ultralights have all the privileges of certified aircraft for Day VFR operations - they can use airports without advance permission, enter controlled airspace, etc. Occupants of Advanced Ultralights are not required to wear helmets.

Basic Ultralights need meet no standards whatsoever so long as they satisfy the seats, weight and stall speed criteria. Basic Ultralights are subject to a variety of restrictions such as operation at airports and in controlled airspace. Occupants of Basic Ultralights must wear helmets.

Operating restrictions on Basic Ultralights

Carrying passengers in a Basic Ultralight is prohibited. In a Basic Ultralight helmets must be worn by occupants. Basic Ultralights may only be operated at airports with the permission of the airport operator. Basic Ultralights can not be operated in controlled airspace except as noted at airports. The term controlled airspace does not only include areas where radio contact must be maintained with Air Traffic Control. There is now an exemption in place which allows Basic Ultralights to operate in Class E airspace.

Advanced Ultralights have no such restrictions.